Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Another outfit

So, I'm sure Lilly isn't the only 2 year old with hilarious outfits, but I just had to post another one, since she did do most of this herself...

This was last night, so she was really tired. She's wearing just a shirt (no, that's not a mini dress), no pants (she decided it was so funny to run around without pants on), two hats (a backwards one and her mouse ears) and tinkerbell shoes that are 3 sizes too big. And, of course, stickers (I think she took most of them off of her legs and face by the time I got the camera out). I'm sure this is a style somewhere in the world.

1 comment:

  1. At least she's wearing something....Danny's new thing is "Let's be naked!!!" as he takes off his clothes and runs around in a state of nature.
    She is getting cuter every day! Can't wait to see her and have a conversation with her.
