Wednesday, August 25, 2010

more summer photos

Here are some more fun pictures from what we've been up to lately:

Lilly's very hungry caterpillar apple activity that we made today (i am so proud of her...she wanted to write the title of the book all by herself!! She even tried to sound out the word to figure out what letter came next! She was only usually right at the beginning of the words, but I think that's pretty good for a 4 year old!)

Here's my 25 or 26 week photo (honestly, I can't remember how far along I am this time around): Oh, Lilly took the photo, which is why I'm kneeling!

First day of preschool (year 2):

pottery painting! I was SO excited to take her to here. Of course, she chose a ceramic useful is that? She can't even really play with it...oh well, she was excited.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday, Lilly!!

Lilly had a weekend full of birthday parties! On Saturday she had her "friend party" for which she chose a "ballerina tea party" so we just invited 4 little girls to the party (and one brought her sister). I wanted to post a picture of all the girls, but since this blog is public, I didn't feel right doing that without asking the parents permissions (and I've been getting really odd comments on this blog, so not sure who is looking at it!!). Anyway, the party was very fun for the girls. Lilly had a great time. Sunday was the family party and Pete's parents and two of his sisters came over for that. Here are some pics of the birthday girl:

opening presents:

the candles!

my attempt at a fondant looks like a hat, but oh well!

the girls decorating crowns:

pin the tutu on the ballerina:

lilly and her crown and ballerina outfit: