Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May (so far)

I haven't updated this in a while...possibly because I am nauseous most of the day and exhausted by the time Lilly is finally in bed (speaking of which, I despise bedtime- it makes me want to run screaming from the house. Why, oh, why can't Lilly just go to bed??). Hopefully my nausea and tiredness is ending since I'm just about at the end of the first trimester. Anyway, here are some updates from May so far. Lilly and I are going to visit my sister, Erin, in FL next weekend, so I'll post more then.


On Mother's Day

Meg, Lilly, Anne (Grandma)

Visiting with Sam:

And Becca (aka, super cute baby) and Aunt Sara

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Meg and Pete! So exciting that you are having another baby! I'm sure Lilly is thrilled! Hope you are starting to feel better!
