Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summer photos

Here are some more fun summer photos:

This is how we get him to go to sleep at night (just kidding!):

the lazy susan can be a fun toy also:

Zach's new moves- he's almost crawling! He actually goes from sitting to his stomach and then pushes himself back up to a sitting position. He also tries to pull up on everything (the fireplace, the floor lamp, the side of the bathtub), so this weekend I made Pete lower the mattress in Zach's crib since I had this image of him pulling to a stand and then flipping out over the top!

two cute siblings on 4th of July

Lilly trying out her skates (this was the only time she would let go of Pete or I- to stand perfectly still to take a picture)

Visit with the MN Jacksons!

Last weekend we ventured up to MN to visit Timothy and Tanya (my brother and his wife) and their kids. We had a great time even though it was very rainy and then super hot!

Catching toads!