Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Petal

Lilly and Pete went on a walk tonight and Lilly came back with three flower petals (they looked like they had been run over, so I have no idea what kind of flower they were from). She decided that she needed to put one petal under each of our pillows because that is definitely where petals belong. Tonight, I was just listening at her door while she was in bed and I heard her talking outloud. I went in and asked what she was doing and she said "oh, I was just talking to my petal. Don't you want to go talk to your petal?"

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring activities

Lilly on her new "big" bike:

Happy Easter:

Lilly and Auntie Liz:

At the greenhouse: So, we went with our friends to see the spring flowers in the greenhouse. Of course, there was a kid friendly (haha) room full of cactuses (cacti?). Lilly and Gus decided to touch a cactus that was at their eye level (because, isn't that where all cacti should go- right within a 3 year old's grasp). Unfortunately, this cactus had lots of tiny, super thin pricklers that came off and stuck into your hand!! Lilly, being the gentle, timid child, GRABBED the cactus, so her entire hand was covered. We (okay, I did since Lilly was crying and screaming for most of this time) spent the next hour at home trying to remove all the prickler-needle things. Not so fun. Lilly is now terrified of tweezers. But here are the pictures before we found the horrible cactus: