Friday, January 4, 2008

Going stir-crazy

Lilly's been going stir-crazy, as have I, the past week. Pete was home from work and I think that completely confused her. She also has been home with me for 2 weeks since her school (daycare) is closed. She only goes to school two days a week, but she likes her routine, so this is throwing her off. (Aside: I looked up the origin of stir-crazy and for those of you interested, it was prison slang for an inmate becoming mentally disturbed due to prolonged incarceration...not exactly our case here, but we're all becoming a little bored, if not temporarily mentally disturbed due to being cooped up in the house). We have been able to get out a few times, but this weekend we had way too much snow and the ice covered roads are just now starting to thaw. Here are some things we've done to amuse ourselves this week:

Play in the snow (discovering that the cozy coupe car does not have 4 wheel drive):

going on a sled ride (down our driveway):

reading some books (in the book basket of course...more comfortable than a chair):

why wear just one hat? How about 3?

doing her best impersonation of ET (when he was dressed up for halloween- she looks a lot more like ET when she is walking away from you- a little pink haired ET in a dress that is way too big)- lilly requests to put on this wig daily and then has to put on some dress up clothes too. We have a total of 3 dress up dresses and she wants all of them on at once (this picture only shows the tutu from one outfit):